Our Worship and Arts team is always looking for people with skills in music, video, lighting, sound, production and more, who have a heart and love for worship (hey, even if you don’t have skills, we can train you).
We were created to worship God and our teams work hard to help us do that in creative and inspiring ways. There’s a spot for everyone from onstage artist, to behind the scenes tech guru, to a willing heart who can help with setup and tear down.
For more info email Pastor Trent
We love kids and we put a big effort in teaching our kids about Jesus. If you love kids, or have kids, or had kids, or were once a kid yourself, then we have a place for you. It takes a big team of caring people doing all kinds of things from teaching a small class, to holding babies, to checking kids in, to just being a helper in a classroom, to make our Sunday morning kids program the best ever!
For more info email Dana Jones
If you love people our Guest Experience Team is the place for you. From the street to the seat, we want people to feel valued and see and experience the love of Jesus. We have greeters, service host, coffee brewers, and more who help make our Sunday morning experience feel like a family for all who come. We would love to have you bring your smile and help us out.
For more info email Reesie Vintertun
We strongly believe that God has called us as a church, to be a blessing to our city. We want to impact our local community by serving it in a number of different ways. If you have a heart for our city, and desire to share the love of Jesus, through serving our city, then we have a place for you.
(check out some of the ways we serve our city)
COMMUNITY CLASSES: Top quality classes on relevant topics (ie: Love & Logic, Financial Peace, etc.)
VBS: A summer outreach to kids in our city. They gather for games, fun, bible teaching, and worship.
RC CAR SHOWS: selected Sundays in the summer months we host a free community wide car shows.
HALLOWEEN ON MAIN: We help something like 2,000 kids safely cross Hwy 203 as they gather their “treasures” every October 31st.
EMPOWER YOUTH NETWORK: RC helps support families during the holidays as well as supply student mentors during the school calendar.
BRIDGE RECEIVING: RC helps support and serve the foster care community.
SERVICE PROJECTS: We encourage our small groups to take on a project that means something to them. (Some examples in the past are, water fountain at Judd Park, new bathroom at the Senior Center, remodel of a bedroom for a family in need, and a Christmas party for Foster kids)
"HUB" COMMUNITY CENTER: We allow other non-profit groups in our community to use or "Hub" facility free of charge (4H, Scouts, Narcotics Anonymous, Book Clubs, etc)
LIGHT UP DUVALL: we help celebrate the annual lighting of the giant Christmas tree each year