Welcome to Duvall MomCo
(Mom Community)!

Who is MomCo for? 

All moms who are seeking a community to connect and support each other. 

What is Duvall MomCo? 

We are a group for moms, led by moms, all about supporting one another through this messy, beautiful journey called motherhood. 

What you can expect:  

  • Opportunities to connect with other moms who really “get it” 

  • Discussions and creative activities aimed at building friendships and that village of support we all need 

  • Guest speakers covering relevant-to-us topics 

  • Mom’s nights out 

  • Playdates and park meetups 

When does MomCo take place? 

We have TWO amazing groups this year! They will both meet during the 1st & 3rd & 5th weeks of each month. 

The AM Group will meet on Tuesdays from 9:45am-11:45am starting September 19, 2024 through May 20, 2025.*  

The PM Group will meet on Wednesdays from 7:00pm-9:00pm starting September 20, 2024 through May 21, 2025.*  

We will also have a monthly playdate scheduled in advance, as well as family events throughout the year.  
*See calendar for holiday time details. 

Where do Duvall MomCo meetings take place? 

Our regular meetings take place at Redemption Church, 15305 Main St. NE, Duvall, WA 98019. Daytime playdates take place around Duvall and the surrounding towns. 

Is there childcare at Duvall MomCo meetings? 

AM Group: We are hoping to provide free childcare this year. If necessary, we may need to charge a small fee for this service, but we will do our best to keep it affordable for everyone.  

PM Group: Childcare is not provided this year. 

Both groups:

We know that littles may need to come with moms and that is okay. We are even happy to hold babies so moms can have their hands free. If you have a child or children with you, you’re welcome to bring toys and we will have a bin of coloring supplies as well. 

Why would I want to join MomCo? 

We've all heard the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child". It also takes a village to help you, the Mom, stay sane while raising a child. Add MomCo to your schedule this year for fun, sharing, and connecting with those who know just how you feel. We promise you will learn, laugh, (possibly cry), and feel a whole lot lighter after each get together. We can’t wait to meet you!